Monday, August 19, 2013

Choosing a Career between Talent and Forcible decision

There are some things in life which come back to you no matter how far you go away from them. There are times when we actually recognize them, respect them and give a special value to that in our own lives. But at times it happens to be such that we don’t recognize them and fail to value those things. No matter whether it’s Career, Luck, Money, Love, Friends, Joy, Education, Goals etc.

 It’s not always true that we chose the wrong field as career because the field in which we were interested dint have money or career. It’s that we failed to recognize the money or career in it. It depends on how much is he/she dedicated to that talent and their hard work towards achieving it at the cost of no matter what.
Everyone is having his/her own talent. A person should know how to become an expertise in that field and give the best of it which not only keeps him happy and lead peaceful life but also encourage many more to get on their interested field and succeed their lives.

Success follows those who follow their heart.
That’s the reason for the success of every artist, sportsman, scientist etc.
One needs to recognize that. But it so happens that people fail to recognize it in their early lives. They instead choose to get into work in other fields and earn some good money and do work on their passion in their latter part of life. It may be after resigning from job at 60 or having some good money in wallet and try to achieve it then.
Feeling of being lost in one field because of being forced by parents, family etc. won’t help anyone take anywhere. We just pat our back saying we are advanced, but just looking at the history we find the parents in kings rule supporting their kids in their interested fields. 
At times there has been lack of communication between parents and children about their lives. Its parents who are being decision makers. Parents decide that their kid should learn karate even if kid is interested in kick boxing or their daughter is interested in violin, they put her through singing classes. This article is just to make you understand that don’t force anyone in their career because they would always blame you for every failure they come across in the path they are leading which you guided them. Instead talking to them about what they have an idea of being in life is a better option.

Because a person accusing you later in some part of life saying you ruined their artistic career, it’s a painful thing to bare. 

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