Monday, July 29, 2013

Life is like a Mirror !!!

The last thing anyone could do in this world is use 2 words


Thank you.

Life becomes beautiful by doing so...

It’s not about you really giving a damn or not... 

It’s about how much the person is worth to u and may be it can add a value to you and to that person...

Life may turn from rags to riches or vice versa...

But there is a way out, i am taking an example of person whom i know to .

There is this uncle of mine who had this presence of mind to be down to earth by using this 2 words whenever necessary and the change in him in this decade was his assets of 10, 00,000 is today worth at least 10, 00, 00,000 and the good part to learn from is he respects even the watchman of his company by greeting them and i believe that's what has taken them so high and the 9 out of 11 workers still work with him  whom started working with him when business started and its not only for the good pay,but a relationship of boss employee isn't limited. Its a family kinda feeling between them.

One needs to cultivate that for something nice of his own.

We too learn greeting till high school, yeah may be sometimes even till the college... But there comes an attitude once we pass 18... I’m not saying it’s the way it works. But it’s always good to have respected the others around us. And a smile on the face if possible... That’s all it takes... because people around us are like mirror…
You annoy, you get annoyed

You smile, you get a smile back

as far image is concerned it was source of google to just get a smile on your face with fun filled.. Cheers..

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