Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Waiting for love

She was sitting alone on a chair at a corner of a park where much people don’t visit and was trying to control her tears. Tears flowing down were similar to sun who was also going down to make the one half of globe dark.
There was no single lane in which I hadn’t searched for her, even after searching for 7 hours all I was to say that I had no idea of where she was.
I was remembering the places where we used to go when we were happy, when we were sad, when we scored less marks, when we scored more.etc
I just questioned myself that how could I forget her favorite park. I rushed to the park and my rush hadn’t gone for waste as I found her there. Now I had tears in my eyes remembering what had happened to make situation this worse.
Her name is Sana. We were in relationship for almost 16 months by then and just then I had started sharing funny incidents that me and my friends had occurred with a neighbor who was from Punjab of my friend Yash. She was fun loving, practical, jovial etc.
As my girl is from North India, making sonali and Sana socialize would make my girl feel good because she was feeling kind of loneliness with my friends as I am from Bangalore. Even Sana enjoyed it and they even exchanged their mail-id and began chatting. Sonali shifted to Switzerland with her family, but remained in contact with my girl(thanks to internet). They became very friendly and enjoyed each other’s company.
As there are always bad things in every good thing, sonali was a fan of a guruji who predicts future and even past by looking at eyes and hand.
I don’t know whether it was co-incidence or true, what he used to say used to happen and my girl had become an addition to that guruji’s disciple’s list. Problem has started as guruji had asked her to visit temples, wear particular color dress on particular day, fasting and what not!
I even knowing all this was quiet because she had trusted him and good seemed to happen. Now as the days passed, on one particular day this sonali and guruji played a prank with Sana saying there’s a soul on your guy’s body and you have do some pooja to get rid of all this evil’s and as time had proved that guruji’s words would come true, she blindly believed him and even did the same. But sonali and guruji had now shared a healthy laugh in front of me saying we have fooled your girl. I couldn’t take it anymore, hence I just informed my girl about this and now she had started giving me slangs for not telling her before.
Actually she was right too.. But I too dint have much knowledge about him or else. She took out her frustration and anger on me. I was quiet because I felt it was my mistakes making this people mingle. When we met, I just apologized her. But she was too badly affected by the embarrassment in front of her own self. I tried to console her, but she was nowhere ready to listen to my words. Even after sitting next to her for more than 2 hours, she was in no mood of coming to reality or maybe I felt time is bit important as I had technical configuration classes which had to happen.
I asked her, ‘sana,come I will drop you to hostel’
‘No, its k...Actually you have training. So you can make your move ‘, she replied.
I tried to convince her more for dropping her to hostel was unsuccessful for even 7th attempt. Now I had less time and requested her again. But she had same reply saying ‘I will spend some more time; you can leave’.
Now I had made my move saying ‘Good bye. I love you’.
She said bye.
I got a text to my phone saying “I never expected that you would leave me in middle of road like that. I hate you”
I was now in bias to go to coaching or to go back to her.
my heart too felt that let me go to my girl and I went to place where we had talk 5 minutes ago; but now she was not there and even phone was coming switch off. I searched and searched, but got a message stating ‘I am in hostel, Go and attend your training.’   
With this relief, I had left for training and as I finished my traning,i checked my phone log after I came out of training hall, I had some 30-40 missed calls saying Sana is not in hostel.
Hence the search started and ended after 7 hours.
Now that I could see her, I went to her for apologizing; she dint feel like seeing my face too. May be I could have waited, but I couldn’t have missed my training too…
I wish she realizes the true love of mine very soon and come back.  

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