Friday, January 13, 2012

mY fUtUrE..???

 Which one suits me??? Which one to pick???
It’s a long time since I wrote my last post since I am a so called “Entrepreneur”.

The reason behind this post was to share my confused brain’s confused ideas… I know its bit tricky to understand me…But had no option left other than sharing it over here.
Here are some options left for myself which I aspire to become. It’s not just one, it’s some (sum) of my confusions.Dont know which thingy to be taken and take a serious decision for it because it’s a time to decide now…
1) Businessman

2) Animator

3) Get into corporate world

4) I.A.S officer

5) Photographer

6) Mathematician

7) Farmer (to enjoy natural beauty and find some peace)

8) Traveler

9) Sanyasi (not one like a sri sri sri whatever... nityananda…: D)

10) Do nothing….just sleep...

After writing this much, I feel the last one to be the best one…Enjoy

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